Thursday, October 14, 2010
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A dog owner named Beth writes:
Dear Mr. Katz,
I have two cocker spaniels that are one year apart. The red and white female (Cassie)is almost two and spayed. The buff male (Peanut) is just one 1 years old and neutered. Peanut was rescued from a cocker shelter in October of 1999. He is incredibly devoted, a very good listener and quick learner. He is the ideal dog as he is very eager to please. Cassie on the other hand is the most independent and stubborn dog I have ever encountered (you've probably seen worse). She used to only listen to commands when she wanted but I have put a stop to that. I have had numerous problems with her dominant tendencies but have come a long way. She now views me as the alpha and only displays aggression when she is in pain - specifically when I brush her. She has been diagnosed with allergies, is on allergy shots and has bad skin. This is not my problem though as I think I can work through this one with the use of the training collar.
ADAM INTERJECTS: It's very difficult to correct pain-response aggression. It's more of a reaction than anything else. Use the muzzle and restrain the dog when you need to give her shots. Other times (just so that she doesn't build a negative association to the muzzle) put it on, take it off, and then give her a cookie. Do this at random times.
BETH CONTINUES: Cassie displays a lot of dominance aggression toward Peanut. She growls when he tries to pick up a bone near her and when they play (or fight) she will "hump" him. I always feed her first, give her treats first, pet her first but Peanut just doesn't seem to get it. He will walk through the door before Cassie but after me. He is always one head length ahead of her when we walk outside. Further, I think he is trying to challenge her because the playing time more recently has turned into fighting. It's more barking than anything -- to date there has been no blood. However, Cassie usually is on top of him, pinning him to the ground, and he lets out this barking/yelping noise when she releases, he goes right after her again until I break it up.
Friday, October 08, 2010
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Dogs were traditionally working animals. They would have expected to be active all day, every day. However, in these modern days a dog's life can often be confined to indoors and with very few physical activities.
Dogs are animals that need exercise on a regular basis; in fact it should be daily. There are many reasons for this. For example, it can help to control the dog’s weight its appetite. It can also help to insure good quality mental health as well. If you do not provide for the dog’s daily exercise, she will likely find it in her own way, which may be a destructive manner. A dog that is bored is one the can become destructive digging up the yard and chewing on shoes. But, when you take this energy that the dog has and apply it correctly through various toys and exercise, great things can happen.
One game of catch a day is not enough exercise for your pet. Quantity and quality are quite important. For example, you can provide your pet with a daily walk. If you do so at the same time of the day each day, the pet will begin to look forward to it. And, take them to someplace different as often as possible. This will help your pet to explore with his senses. It is also a special time of bonding between you and your pet. Take your pet to a dog park where the leash can come off and he or she can do some socializing with other animals.
Sports for dogs?
Saturday, October 02, 2010
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Today’s pet food market is larger and more diverse than ever before. While this offers a large number of choices in various types of pet food, it also presents a dilemma in choosing the healthiest food for your dog. Are generic or store brands suitable for a dog? What about familiar name brands like Purina and Alpo? Are the pricier brands that advertise specially formulated ingredients (Science Diet, Eukanuba) really living up to their claims and worth the extra money? All of these are valid questions that loving dog owners deserve to have answered.
Dog Food Considerations
There are several factors to consider when choosing the right food for your dog. Different dogs have different nutritional needs at different stages in their lives. Some things to consider when selecting the food you’ll give your dog follow.
• The Dog’s Age
Puppies have different nutritional requirements than adult dogs just as human children have different needs than adult people. Senior dogs also have different requirements than younger adult dogs. Make sure that you select a food that is appropriate for your dog’s stage in life.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
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Want to live a healthier lifestyle? Get a dog.
Studies show that pet ownership helps reduce stress, lowers blood pressure and fends off feelings of loneliness and depression.
While nothing can top the love and companionship of a dog, there are some unpleasant behaviors that just won't do - from barking all night to wetting the floor to chewing on your shoes when you're not looking.
If your dog is exhibiting this type of behavior, it may be acting out due to boredom, pent-up aggression or because of lack of training. With proper lifestyle adjustments and diligent training, you'll be on your way to having a happy, well-behaved pet. The following tips will help your furry friend become more obedient:
* Spay or neuter. The Humane Society of the United States says that this common procedure can help your dog live longer, be healthier and have fewer behavior problems.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
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When you decided to get a dog, I'll bet you daydreamed about the great times you'd have with your new best friend. However, there are many things that you need to consider in order to keep your pooch happy and healthy. Things that perhaps you'd rather not even think about!
When you go to the veterinarian he may ask you to bring along a urine sample from your dog. How do you do this? Your dog surely won't be able to hit a sample bottle. The easiest way to accomplish this is to tape a polythene container to the end of a yard stick. While your dog is out doing his business, position the container underneath his urine stream. This is easier to do with male dogs than female dogs but you can usually get a sample with one or two tries. Your veterinarian will want as fresh a sample as possible so if you won't be taking the sample to the vet right away, keep it refrigerated until you bring it in. Your veterinarian will be checking the sample for a variety of things like bacteria and crystals. If bacteria is found it could mean that your dog has a urinary tract infection and will most likely require your dog to be put on a course of antibiotics. Crystals form in the urine whenever minerals bind together, there are several different kinds of crystals and these are most often treated with prescription diets.
If your veterinarian asks for a stool sample it could mean that he suspects that intestinal parasites are bothering your dog. They can get these by eating fecal matter from another affected animal, carcasses, or other unsavory things. You will want to bring in a fresh sample. The doctor will examine it under the microscope and look for telltale eggs of parasites. Commonest parasites are roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. Several of today’s monthly heartworm medications also protect against roundworms and hookworms. If you live in the country or your dog is outside for much of the day, he may need to be treated with a tapeworm wormer on a quarterly basis. Other diseases like coccidia, can also be seen under the microscope from your dog’s stool sample.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
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Your dog’s health and wellbeing is important to you and your family. Not to mention keeping down the cost of veterinarian bills! So you need to carefully consider the food that you give your dog. People sometimes just pick the first dog food bag they see at the store. It’s easy to overlook the importance of dog food but it is essential to pick the right one for your dog.
To keep your dog healthy he needs plenty of fresh water and should be fed good quality dog food in amounts just right to meet his energy requirements. Always follow the guidelines on the dog food package for recommended feeding amounts.
Picking a dog food
The first challenge in choosing a dog food is picking one that has overall quality. The term that comes up a lot about dog food is human grade. Human grade implies that the dog food is good enough for us to eat. Many commercial dog foods are made from materials unusable or less desirable for human consumption. Often the meat that is used in dog food is of a quality considered unfit for humans to eat.
Major dog food companies try to provide balanced proportions of vitamins and minerals for maximum benefit to your dog. Although you may see that many brands of dog food have almost identical labels, a reputable dog food company will provide an explanation for each supplement and how it benefits your dog.
Always read the label to see what proteins, vitamins and minerals are being provided to your dog. Try not to use store brand dog food they may short change your dog on much needed nutrition.
Studies have shown that the primary ingredient in dog food should be meat-based protein, not corn meal, flour or corn gluten meal. According to reviews a better quality dog food results in a healthier coat, fewer digestive problems and firmer stools. Pet-nutrition experts agree that the best dog food is made from human-grade ingredients like meat, whole grains and vegetables. Premium dog food is so important because good nutrition is essential for a long, healthy life.
Types of dog food
There are many varieties of dog food to choose from. The three most popular types of dog foods are dry, semi-moist and canned products. Check the color of your dog food. Usually dog food made from natural ingredients will have soft earth tones and contain no preservatives, artificial colors and flavors.
Raw dog food is becoming more popular. More and more veterinarians recommend feeding your dog with raw dog food. They feel that this is the best choice and is the healthiest food for your dog. After all, you've never seen your dog enjoy commercial dog food the way he enjoys a good meaty bone.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
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Is barking a form of language among dogs with precise significance, or just playful noise? Dogs exchange information among themselves less by voice than by a wide range of facial expressions, body postures and gestures, as well as by various scents. Dogs, who bark at night, are probably working off excess energy or announcing their presence, and this is undoubtedly the only message conveyed to other dogs within ear shot.
When a dog goes to his owner and deliberately barks, it is simply meant to attract attention. You must try to guess his general behavior, rather than from the circumstances and his general behavior, rather than from the particular form or pitch of bark he makes. The howling or baying of hunting dogs is an instinctive hunting cry informing the pack that the dog is on a trail. Barking at strange noises is a warning as well as a threat display.
A lonely dog who bowls may be sending out a gathering cry to other dogs nearby. Wild dogs on the other hand, never back, they only howl. Could the barking of domesticated dogs be a form of communication more closely resembling speech? A pet dog that shares a close relationship with his owner and has been taught to understand many words obviously makes an effort, sometimes quite successfully, to give meaning to his own utterances.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
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To teach your dog tricks even easy ones you need to have some small reward treats, be in a quiet suitable place and keep the training sessions to 10 - 15 minutes or your dog will start to get board, remember when he gets something right lots of praise and a reward treat, just be careful not to get him over excited or he will loose concentration.
Getting your dog to give you his paw, first get your dog to sit, then as you say the word 'paw' take your dogs paw in your hand, give the dog a treat, repeat this, after a few times do not take his paw so quickly, say the word, count to one then take it, you should notice he is bringing his paw up as you say the word if he does not go back to saying it at the same time, do it a few more times then slow your response again. After 2 or 3 sessions most dogs pick this one up quite happily.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
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We are often asked, "How many jumps should I start with?" You can never have too many single jumps to practice agility. A good starting place is four jumps. This is the absolute minimum number of jumps that we recommend.
You can teach a variety of skills, drills, and exercises with four jumps. Four jumps will allow you to work on a short jump chute or jump grid. You can setup a "box" with your jumps and practice handling, collection, and 270 degree jumps. You can teach your dog jumping left and right. You can be outside the box and send your dog or you can handle from the inside of the box. Your jumps can be setup in a horizontal line, so that you can practice serpentines and threadles.
Go the next step and get eight jumps. Now you can setup two boxes with one introductory jump. You've now multiplied your drills that you can practice with your dog. Your jump grids can be of recommended size and quantity of jumps. You can also setup your jumps in a circle with the jump bars perpendicular to the circle or on the circumference of the circle. This pattern also enables you to train a variety of skills.
Friday, September 10, 2010
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It doesn’t matter if you have already decided to purchase health insurance for the family pet or if you are simply. When you are comparing the quote of one health insurance quote to another remember that the base doller amount is not the only number you have to consider. In addition to the monthly payment make sure you also check out exactly what type of veterinary care and treatments are covered (some basic insurance plans do not include cancer treatment), what kind of deductible you, the pet owner, will be expected to pay, is there a yearly cap on medical expenses, and what type of discounts are available.
At the moment there are only a handful of companies that offer pet health insurance. Five of the most popular companies are Pets Best Pet Insurance, Veterinary Pet Insurance, ShelterCare, Pets Health and PetCare.
An insurance plan through Pets Best Pet Insurance will cost approximately $32.00 a month ($384.00 annually). Pets Best will cover pet sterilization provided the pet owner purchases an additional wellness plan. Pets Best does not cover pre-existing medical conditions a pet has so its best to insure them early in life before problems develop. Pets Best has a life time limit of $99,750 dollars per pet. Pets Best health insurance plans come with a $75.00 deductible. Multiple pet discounts are available. Pet’s Best pet health insurance does cover cancer.
Friday, September 10, 2010
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Pet Health Insurance in the USA
Pet health insurance companies are hoping that someday pet owners in the United States will catch up with European pet owners. A recent poll taken of American pet owners suggested that approximately three percent of American pet owners had purchased pet health insurance for their family pet. A veterinarian who was interviewed after the survey was stunned by the results. She felt that the survey was generous. She believes that less then one percent of her patients have any health care insurance.
In Europe approximately twenty-five percent of all pet owners have some sort of pet health insurance on their pets. The numbers are even higher in Sweden where approximately fifty percent of all pet owners rely on pet health insurance to help pay their pet’s medical expenses.
Some experts believe that the reason so many pet owners in the United Kingdom have pet health care insurance is because of an act passed in 1971. In the United Kingdom dog owners are liable for any accident that their pet is found responsible for. This means that if a dog darts out into traffic and causes a seven car pile up the dog’s owner is responsible for paying all the damages. Unwilling to dip into their own pickets to cover their pet’s misadventures pet owners in the United Kingdom purchase something called third party insurance. Third party insurance is a simply a liability insurance specifically geared to pet owners.
Friday, September 10, 2010
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You love your pets. They are the first things you see when you wake up in the morning. They lay at your feet while your eating breakfast, they run with you as you get your early morning exercise, they look heart broken when you leave them behind, when you get home from a long day at work they are so happy to see you that they can hardly contain their joy, they listen attentively as you rant and rave about the trails and tribulations of your day, at night they crawl into bed with you and keep the nightmares at bay while you sleep. What they don't do is criticize you, judge you, or abandon you.
There is very little you wouldn't do for your pets. That’s what you think almost everyday of the year but on the days you have to take them to the vet and pay the obligatory bill you have to wonder. All your cat had done was a treatment for a mild case of ear mites. And your dog had been a yearly rabies vaccination. The whole processes for both pets took less then fifteen minutes. How could it possible cost so much?
You might be able to see the benefits of pet health insurance. You might salivate at the idea of not dealing with the ginourmous vet bills you get every six months ago. You might even daydream about the day you don't dread the financial repercussions of taking your dog or cat the vet. But right now you simply don't think you can afford to monthly bill a pet health insurance bill would put on your budget, after all its not like having pet health insurance would make the vet bills completely disappear, more then likely you would still have to pay the office visit.
You might not think you can afford pet health insurance at the moment but don’t walk away from an offer, not yet. Looking at a policy does not mean that you have to walk away from it. If you are a clever bargain shopper there are ways to find pet health insurance at a low cost.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
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Before you purchase a pet health care insurance plan for your pet, check the list of the companies approved veterinarians to see if your veterinarian will accept the companies check.
Ask your local veterinarian what type of pet health care insurance plan would best suit your family pet. Ask your local veterinarian to read over the plan and listen to their advice. Talking to your local veterinarian will also help you establish if the insurance company you are considering purchasing your pet health care insurance plan from is reputable.
If you have purchased a pet that is as of yet unaltered you'll want to look for a pet health care plan that includes neutering and spaying.
Before you pay for a pet health care insurance plan you need to carefully read how the policy handles prescription coverage. Most companies that sell pet health care insurance do not include prescription coverage in their basic medical health care insurance plan. If you are concerned about the cost of any prescription your pet might need during the course of its life you should probably consider buying a prescription coverage rider to complement your pet health care insurance. Although this rider may appear expensive and unnecessary you'll probably wish you had purchased it if your pet is ever given a prescription for anything. Just like the human counterparts prescriptions are very expensive.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
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Ferrets A Friendly Playful Pet
Ferrets, often considered a rare pet to own. Most individuals choose dogs, cats, birds, or fish to complete their family, however a select few turn to the ferret for its social, playful, curious qualities. Ferrets love to play and explore not only with others and their owners, but also on their own. For this reason, you need to know a few things on how to take care of a ferret.
First, you will want to ferret proof your home before you introduce them as pets. They will crawl into walls, furniture, and anywhere they can get their little bodies. It is much like childproofing a home for a baby. You will want to make sure all of the dangers are eliminated when you allow them out of their cages for playtime.
Ferrets are also biters. The kits, baby ferrets, tend to bite more. You can eliminate the problem or tone it down with frequent handling. It is a sign of their behavior as mock fighting or sparring. The younger ferrets tend to bite more when they are teething and do not mean any harm. For this reason, you will want to handle the ferret or ferrets as often as possible to help reduce the biting behavior. Often those who do not take the time or patience to train their ferret end up leaving the animal in its cage and thus it has a shorter lifespan. Please make sure you are up to the task of training a ferret before brining one into your home. Trained properly they can be as great a pet as cats or dogs.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
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The hot summer months can pose a real threat to pets. Cats and dogs simply cannot tolerate extreme temperatures. As a responsible pet owner, you need to make sure that your pet is safe during these warm weather months. Here are some tips to help you and your pet.
Never leave an animal in a car: All pet owners should know the dangers of leaving any pet in a hot car, even if it is just for a few minutes. This especially applies to dog owners. Dogs love riding in the car and it is very tempting to let your dog ride to the grocery store with you. However, pet owners should never leave cats or dogs inside a car during hot weather. Even with the windows open, a car parked in the hot sun can reach sweltering temperatures. Pets left in hot cars can die within minutes or can suffer from severe dehydration. The best rule of thumb is the leave your pet at home in the cool air conditioner during the hot weather. You should also know that if you are a dog owner that allowing your dog a ride the bed of a truck could be very dangerous for a dog at any time of the year. One jolt can send your dog flying out of the bed of the truck, resulting in injury or worse. Even putting your dog unsupervised in the bed of a truck in a public place can be a recipe for disaster. Be extra careful with your pet during traveling. If you must travel with your dog or cat, secure your pet in the car and leave the air conditioning on at all times. Let your pets take frequent breaks on long trips and give them a chance to get a drink of water.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
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When you were a child you had to have vaccinations at certain points in your life such as measles, tetanus, and other shots. This is important for your pets as well. We will specifically look at dog vaccinations, as they are a very common pet to have. Keep in mind during some of these shots are required for cats as well.
Dogs need to have vaccinations to guard against disease. When your dog is a puppy they will need a distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, parainfluenza, and corona combination between six to eight, nine to eleven, twelve to fourteen, and sixteen to seventeen weeks. They will also need these shots again every twelve months. The next vaccination is a bordetella administered at fourteen weeks and every six months. Rabies must be given at sixteen weeks and again every twelve to thirty- six months.
Vaccinations protect your dog and other pets from human diseases as well as other problems that could arise. Make sure you visit your pet on a regular schedule. A few more vaccinations are the giardia at fourteen and seventeen weeks, with a yearly dose. Lyme is another type administered at fourteen and seventeen weeks as well as yearly.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
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Pets are wonderful creatures to share our lives with, and they need just as much care as humans. All pets need to be fed properly, though we always have the question of what that might be. There are individuals who give their pet’s human food, while others strictly give pet food. We will concentrate on dogs, cats, and rabbits for proper feeding.
How many times have you heard that rabbits like their vegetables? This is true. Most rabbits need a steady diet of rabbit food that includes lettuce and carrots. Most of the time we raise our rabbits on pellets, however, this may not be fibrous enough and can cause obesity. A steady diet of hay, vegetables, and pellets will lead to a healthy rabbit.
Is it wise to feed your dog human food? Most dogs are related to the wolf family a very carnivorous bunch, which means they need to have meat in their diet. This does not mean human food is the correct food for them. It is best to find a dog food product where the first ingredient is meat. Make sure it is real meat and not some processed substitute. Feeding your dog human food is a bad idea because it can be too greasy for them and block their arteries. Dogs have very sensitive digestive tracks so they are susceptible to diarrhea and upset stomachs if you change their food. It is best to find a dog food you prefer and that is healthy for them. You also want to keep them on the same food. Changing food can cause problems. If you feel you need to change food, you should slowly integrate the new food with the old until you have fully replaced the old. This should take two weeks or a little more. Dogs when full grown should be fed once a day at the same time.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
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It is possible for children and
pets to coexist in the same household, peacefully. Many people mistakenly think that as soon as they start having children that their pet needs to head to the local shelter. They fear that the cat or dog will not get along with the new child and it will result in biting or scratching. This is not always the case and if you take the time to introduce your pets to your children properly, your kids and pets can live in harmony.
One of the biggest concerns that new parents have when it comes to pets in the home is how it will react to a baby. Many of the old wives tales such as cats sucking the breath out of babies simply are not true. In fact, many cats and dogs readily accept a new child into the home and become fiercely loyal and protective over the baby.
When you bring your baby home from the hospital, you should introduce your pet to your new baby. Of course, these introductions need supervision. Allow your cat or dog time to sniff your child at his or her own pace. Make the introduction pleasant for your cat or dog. In most cases, your cat or dog will not give your baby a second thought. Allow your pet to adjust to the new situation on his or her own terms. When a baby comes to the house, it is an adjustment for everybody.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
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Owners who are considering purchasing pet health insurance for their dogs should make sure that the eye health of their dogs covered by the insurance policy. Because many insurance companies will not insure the eyes of a dog whose breed is habitually diagnosed with chronic eye problems may want to consider purchasing their puppy from a CERF (Canine Eye Registration Foundation). Breeders who are recognized by the CERF have been publicly acknowledged as breeding puppies without known health problems. In some cases insurance companies might also require that the owners have genetic screening done on the puppies before they can be insured.
Glaucoma is a common eye condition that begins with very subtle symptoms such as dilated pupils that don't respond well to light, and eye that appears to be red, poor vision, and corneas are often cloudy. One California-based veterinarian claims that because the initial symptoms of Glaucoma can be very subtle many California pet owners to not immediately bring their dogs and for an examination. If Glaucoma is not immediately seen by a veterinarian within 24 to 48 hours the increased pressure in the eyeball can lead to permit it cases of blindness. In severe cases of untreated Glaucoma veterinarians have been forced to remove the pet's eye.
Any dog who has the developed an irritation in their eye that causes them to square to produce extra tears is called a "squinting dog". Most cases of squinting is caused from a minor irritation such as an in turned eyelash or minor scratch to the cornea. However some cases of squinting dog has led to the early diagnosis of diseases such as cancer and Blastomyosis.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
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A recent survey estimated that the average dog owner will visit the vet two-three times a year and spend an average of two hundred dollars. Pet owners who have cats will spend a little bit less. That estimate is for the normal routine stuff like sterilization (spaying or neutering), vaccinations, worming, and a heartworm test; you’re normally in and out of the veterinarian’s office in approximately fifteen minutes. It’s hard to imagine what the trip to the veterinarian’s office would cost if your pet was suffering from a really serious medical problem such as benign tumors or a broken leg.
Approximately three percent of pet owners in the United States have decided that the best way to deal with financing their pets vet bill is to purchase pet health care insurance. Pet health care insurance is similar to human health care insurance. The pet owner pays a monthly premium and when the pet has to go to the veterinarian’s office the insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the bill minus the deductible.
Before a pet owner purchases a pet health care plan they need to get some estimates/quotes on various plans. Before the pet owner goes online to find a quote they need to grab a pad of paper and write down two things. The first thing they need is a wish list of the type of pet health insurance coverage you would like to get. This list can include things like prescription coverage, low deductibles, dental, annual checkups, spaying and nueturing, declawing and anything else you can think of. It is important to remember that you may not be able to find a pet health insurance plan that will have everything you want, circle the items that you simply can't live without. The second thing you need to write down is what is the most you can spend each month on your pet’s health insurance plan. Keep this number close by so you don't splurge on an insurance plan you won’t be able to afford.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
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When most people think a pet is spoiled feel that it is getting to many treats, has too many expensive toys scattered around the ground, or it’s allowed to sleep at night in bed with its humans, normally taking up the entire bed and hogging all the covers. I once even saw a pot bellied pig who was so spoiled that its humans designed an built the miniature porker its very own out house so it wouldn't get cold answering natures call.
Japanese pet owners take the term very-important-pets to a whole new level. In Japan well loved pets enjoy aromatherapy, acupuncture, trips to the doggie spa where they a lovingly massaged, and in some cases have their very own personal trainers.
It is a well known fact that we tend to spoil our pets because we love them we want them to have the best of everything but recent studies have shown that pampering our pets might actually doing as much harm as good. One recent study from an undisclosed source claims that we are actually making our beloved pets stupid by spoiling them. We are in such a hurry to make their lives easier that we take away their need to problem solve on their own. The less they have to loose their brains the less they can do on their own. This problem is especially common in households were the dog seems to be running the show. What would happen to that pet if it really had to think for itself?
Saturday, August 07, 2010
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Which Health Plans Offer Pet Health Insurance
pet owners purchase a pet they shop around at the various pet shops, breeders, pet rescues, and animal shelters until they find the dog, cat, or exotic pet that suits them, what very few pet owners do is consider the cost of veterinarian cost for their new pet. The oversight can prove financially devastating and emotionally heartbreaking.
The cost of veterinary cost is on the rise. Technology, liability insurance, medications, and medical research have forced veterinary clinics to raise their cost. Veterinary clinics in rural areas of the country (especially ones that combine their small animal practice with a large animal practice) find it difficult to attract young vets who are graduating from vet school to their clinics; they are forced to offer higher salaries in order to compete with clinics located closer to major cities. The increase in the payroll is then transferred to pet owners.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
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Pet Insurance Moreover Health Insurance
A recent survey estimated that the average dog owner will visit the vet two-three times a year and spend an average of two hundred dollars. Pet owners who have cats will spend a little bit less. That estimate is for the normal routine stuff like sterilization (spaying or neutering), vaccinations, worming, and a heartworm test; you’re normally in and out of the veterinarian’s office in approximately fifteen minutes. It’s hard to imagine what the trip to the veterinarian’s office would cost if your pet was suffering from a really serious medical problem such as benign tumors or a broken leg.
Approximately three percent of pet owners in the United States have decided that the best way to deal with financing their pets vet bill is to purchase pet health care insurance. Pet health care insurance is similar to human health care insurance. The pet owner pays a monthly premium and when the pet has to go to the veterinarian’s office the insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the bill minus the deductible.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
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The Advantages Of The Microchip For Your Pets
Every pet owner wants to keep his or her beloved cat or dog as safe as possible. You do everything you can do make sure your pet is well cared for and healthy. If you have an indoor pet, you may not think that keeping identification tags is important, but it is. What if your fuzzy feline accidentally slips out of the door at night and you search to no avail? What do you do, especially if your dog or cat has no identification? Placing a collar with an identification tag is important, but collars sometimes become lost. When you consider the fact that many animal shelters only keep dogs and cats for seven days, you want to make sure that your pet is properly identified. That is where the microchip comes in handy. The microchip is the newest way to identify lost pets and helps ensure that your lost pooch or feline finds his or her way back home.
The technology of the microchip has become so popular that most animal clinics and animal shelters have the ability to scan a cat or dog for microchip identification. If you opt for the microchip, you should know that it is a painless procedure for your pet. Your vet will insert a tiny microchip about the size of a grain of rice directly under your pet’s skin using a hypodermic needle. The microchip is usually placed behind the neck. The microchip contains special digital number that has been entered on a national microchip database. That information will give the person your contact information. When you pet is lost, a veterinarian or animal shelter can use a special scanner to retrieve the microchip information. It is that easy.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
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Dangerous Dog Treats: What To Know Before You Treat Your Pup
What pooch does not love getting a treat or two now and then. Dog owners also love giving their dog’s treats. If you have a dog, then you have a good idea of what your dog likes to nibble on. There are so many treats available these days and they all come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and consistencies. For every great dog treat, there are those on the market that are not so good. These treats can harm your pet by being lodged in your dog’s throat or intestines. This can cause choking or worse. If you love treating your canine friend, then you will want to be aware of those treats that can be potentially harmful. Even with treats that are not usually dangerous, you need to supervise your dog when they eat.
Greenies: Most dogs really enjoy these treats. They are advertised as a treats that help clean your dog’s teeth. However, you need to be aware that “greenies” can cause choking. This is because dogs eat these very quickly causes large chunks to lodge in the throat. Young puppies should not eat this treat and dogs that are prone to “scarfing” food. If your dog eats these treats, be aware of potential vomiting, bloody stools, and difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these symptoms after your dog has eaten this treat, seek medical attention.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
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Getting Your Pet Through An Animal Rescue Group
Animal rescue organizations or groups offer you a great place to get your next family pet. These groups are all different, but they do have common goals. These
groups work hard to locate a permanent loving home for unwanted or misplaced cats and dogs. Many of these rescue groups rely on volunteers and donations to care for these pets while they are between homes.
When you begin looking for a rescue group to work with, you will find that most of these groups do rely on their hard working volunteers and support from the local community to operate. You will also find a wide variety of animals available through these rescue groups. Many of these groups handle all types of animals and you will find kittens, puppies, and even older pets available for adoption. You might be surprised to learn that some groups even offer exotic pets such as reptiles, pot bellied pigs and even guinea pigs.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
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Compare Pet Health Insurance in the USA
In Europe over twenty-five percent of all pet owners carry a pet health insurance policy on their pets. Approximately half of Sweden’s pet owners carry insurance. A recent poll of pet owners in the United States predicted that only three percent had purchased a pet health care plan. Many veterinarians feel that three percent is a very generous estimate. One of the big reasons veterinarians believe so many Europeans carry pet health insurance is because of a bill passed in 1971 that stated if a dog was considered at fault for an accident, like a car wreck, then the pet's owner would be held responsible. This prompted many dog owners to purchase something called Third Party Liability Insurance which would pay for any damages caused by the policy holder's pet dog.
Chances are good that if you were to ask ten of your neighbors how they felt about pet health insurance you would probably get ten very different answers.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
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Dog Health Insurance for Your Pet
The word insurance is one of those words that just makes you cringe. Next to putting gas in your car it seems like the biggest expense you have and there is just so much that you need. You need to keep insurance on your car (it would have been really nice if somebody would have told how big a financial drain that was going to be), if you own a home you pay homeowners insurance, if you rent an apartment you have renters insurance, you struggle with the ever soaring cost of health care insurance, and if you are a really responsible family member you have life insurance. And now you find you are hearing that you should consider purchasing a health insurance plan for your pet dog.
You love your dog, he's more then a pet, he's a valued member of your family and probably your best friend. But health insurance? You can barely afford to put food on your table how are you supposed to be able to afford to insure your pet. Besides he's just a mutt, dog health care insurance is for fancy purebred show dogs, not your rescue pet.
Friday, July 30, 2010
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A Dogs Communication - Could Your Dog be Trying to Tell You Something?
Is barking a form of language among dogs with precise significance, or just playful noise? Dogs exchange information among themselves less by voice than by a wide range of facial expressions, body postures and gestures, as well as by various scents. Dogs, who bark at night, are probably working off excess energy or announcing their presence, and this is undoubtedly the only message conveyed to other dogs within ear shot.
When a dog goes to his owner and deliberately barks, it is simply meant to attract attention. You must try to guess his general behavior, rather than from the circumstances and his general behavior, rather than from the particular form or pitch of bark he makes. The howling or baying of hunting dogs is an instinctive hunting cry informing the pack that the dog is on a trail. Barking at strange noises is a warning as well as a threat display.
Friday, July 30, 2010
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4 to 8 Dog Agility Jumps Makes Ideal Training
We are often asked, "How many jumps should I start with?" You can never have too many single jumps to practice agility. A good starting place is four jumps. This is the absolute minimum number of jumps that we recommend.
You can teach a variety of skills, drills, and exercises with four jumps. Four jumps will allow you to work on a short jump chute or jump grid. You can setup a "box" with your jumps and practice handling, collection, and 270 degree jumps. You can teach your dog jumping left and right. You can be outside the box and send your dog or you can handle from the inside of the box. Your jumps can be setup in a horizontal line, so that you can practice serpentines and threadles.
Friday, July 30, 2010
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Most individuals have an idea just what type of pet they want; however, the maintenance of a pet can cause some concern. Knowing how to choose the correct pet for you may be easy. You may have had several pets as a child and know you need a companion for your own home or you may have always wanted a pet but been told you could not have one. Whatever the case you may need to take into consideration some key points to pet care when deciding what pet is right for you.
First some pets take more care than others. Dogs are very needy animals. They are very sensitive towards their owners. I am sure most of you have heard of dogs tearing up a house when left along all day. Dogs can get bored even when they have other dog companions and toys. They need the human interaction. Most dog owners take their dogs out for a walk before work and after work for the exercise and play time. Other owners who work outside will often let their dogs come to work with them to keep them out of trouble. Cats on the other hand can amuse themselves and as long as you put your valuables on a shelf, they cannot reach and keep a clean house they will sleep, look out windows, and play with toys while you are away. Fish are another type of pet that is typically low maintenance except for cleaning the fish tank.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
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If you have a dog that barks a lot before going the full length of despair it is important to remember that it is really our fault that dogs bark. Dog descended from wolf. Wolves howl - they do not bark. Humans bred barking into dogs.
If possible, before purchasing a dog consider the breed, as some breeds are more inclined to bark.
In simple terms dogs bark for two reasons. Either they bark at something or they bark for something.
A dog barking at something is usually easier to solve. Once you identify what they are barking at, you need to decide if you are happy that they bark at that. For example, they may bark when they hear a noise at the door. You may find this useful as a form of guard dog and decide to let them bark. You will still need to train them to stop barking when you say so but you should let them give out a few barks first to let them know they are correct to bark at this until you decide they can stop.
In the case of your dog barking at something you do not want them to bark at, the best way is to train them not to bark when that something occurs. For example assume your dog barks whenever the washing machine is on. You could put the washing machine on and get your dog to stop barking (the best way is to physically close your dog's mouth and keep it closed repeating the stop barking command. Keep repeating until they stop barking). Switch the machine off and then back on again and repeat this until your dog learns not to bark when the washing machine is on. It may take a lot of attempts and patience.
A dog barking for something can be more difficult to address. They may bark because they are hungry, want exercise, want to get your attention or need outside for the toilet. In the case of a dog barking for your attention, consider first that your dog is part of your family. Dogs are naturally sociable animals and if they have been left alone for long periods of time, maybe they deserve a bit of your time.
If it is your attention they want the best way is to ignore them until they stop barking. Wait a minute or two longer and then reward them. If you try and physically close your dogs mouth they may well deem this interaction as reward for their barking, making the issue worse. As always patience and repetition are the key.
A dog barking when you are away is a real problem that is difficult to address - not least because it really only happens when you are away. You may not know about it until your neighbors complain.
As said, dogs are sociable animals and thrive on interaction. Hence, it is only natural for your dog to get lonely and upset when you are away. However, there are a few things you can try to address the problem:
1. Get a friend to visit during the day when you are away.
2. If possible, try and come home more often or a few times per day.
3. When you are at home, go out of the house until your dog starts barking and then come in and use your stop barking command. If you keep repeating this, your dog may learn not to bark. However, be careful that your dog does not learn that by barking you will immediately show up. You may have to just leave your dog barking for while before returning and rewarding them for being quiet when you return.
4. Arrange for daytime dog care.
There are other things you can do but I personally would not recommend them. These include bark collars, muzzles or even surgery. If it gets to this sort of stage, I would go down the line of day care.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
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Indoors Or Outdoors: What is Best For Your Pet
Before you take on the responsibility of owning a cat or dog, you need to take the time to consider the living arrangements for your pet. Many people adopt pets with the idea that they will be raising an outdoor animal. How many people in your neighborhood keep their dogs or cat’s outdoors at all times? The fact of the matter is, outside is not a safe place for a cat or a dog. When you adopt a pet, you need to make sure that you are ready to allow your pet into your home.
Pets Love Being Outside
It is true that cats and dogs both will love being outside, it is their natural environment. Cats delight in chasing birds, climbing trees, and hiding in shrubs. Dogs adore barking at the neighbors, chasing squirrels, and digging. However, there are many dangers to keeping your pet outside at all times. Dogs tend to get more outside time in cats. Owners take their dogs out for walks, and in some cases allow their dogs, unsupervised access to the backyard from time to time. Cats are usually either indoor pets or outdoor pets.
It is more common nowadays, for owners to keep their cats indoors as they begin to realize the dangers of allowing their cat to live outdoors at all time. It is highly recommended that you keep your cats and dogs inside. For cats, you can help them explore their natural instincts inside by giving them plenty of places to run and play inside your home. Buy your cat a good scratching post with a high perch and install a window seat so they can gaze at the birds outdoors.
Dangers of Outside
The number one danger to your pets when they go outside is other animals. You never know when your dog or cat will encounter a stray or strange cat or dog from down the street. You know that your pet is properly vaccinated, but you do not know that health condition of other animals outside. In addition, if your dog or cat gets into a fight with another animal. Your pet can be seriously injured or harmed. Unless you supervise your pet at all times when they are outside, you never know when your cat or dog will encounter a strange animal.
Other dangers of allowing your pet to live outside are cars and other people. A cat darting across the street late at night is a recipe for disaster. What if your dog gets loose from your yard and encounters a child? How will your dog react? You hope that your dog will be good and stay friendly. However, what happens if the child begins to taunt or tease your dog or poke a stick at him? If your dog bites or scratches another person, chances are, you will be responsible for your pet's actions. Many pet owners have found themselves in a serious situation when their dog or cat has acted aggressively when outdoors.
When your cat or dog stays indoors, you can also help control fleas, ticks, and the exposure to heartworms. This is not to say that you should not treat an indoor pet for these problems. All dogs, whether the event indoors or outdoors, should be on a monthly heartworm preventative. Both cats and dogs should also be treated with monthly preventative. It is important to remember though, if your cat or dog lives outdoors, you will have many more problems when it comes to fleas and ticks.
As you can see, there are many reasons why you should keep your dog or cat indoors. Pets that are indoor pets live longer and healthier lives than pets that live outside. This includes all pets, once you make them an indoor animal; you need to protect them from anything that might happen if they get outdoors, they now depend on you to provide a home for them.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
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The Deerhound is one of the most decorative of dogs, impressively stately and picturesque wherever he is seen, whether it be amid the surroundings of the baronial hall, reclining at luxurious length before the open hearth in the fitful light of the log fire that flickers on polished armour and tarnished tapestry; out in the open, straining at the leash as he scents the dewy air, or gracefully bounding over the purple of his native hills. Grace and majesty are in his every movement and attitude, and even to the most prosaic mind there is about him the inseparable glamour of feudal romance and poetry.
From remote days the Scottish nobles cherished their strains of Deerhound, seeking glorious sport in the Highland forests. The red deer belonged by inexorable law to the kings of Scotland, and great drives, which often lasted for several days, were made to round up the herds into given neighbourhoods for the pleasure of the court, as in the reign of Queen Mary. But the organised coursing of deer by courtiers ceased during the Stuart troubles, and was left in the hands of retainers, who thus replenished their chief's larder.
The head should be broadest at the ears, tapering slightly to the eyes, with the muzzle tapering more decidedly to the nose. The muzzle should be pointed, but the teeth and lips level. The head should be long, the skull flat rather than round, with a very slight rise over the eyes, but with nothing approaching a stop. The skull should be coated with moderately long hair which is softer than the rest of the coat. The nose should be black (though in some blue-fawns the colour is blue) and slightly aquiline. In the lighter-coloured dogs a black muzzle is preferred. There should be a good moustache of rather silky hair, and a fair beard.
The ears should be set on high, and, in repose, folded back like the Greyhound's, though raised above the head in excitement without losing the fold, and even, in some cases, semi-erect.The ear should be soft, glossy, and like a mouse's coat to the touch, and the smaller it is the better. It should have no long coat or long fringe, but there is often a silky, silvery coat on the body of the ear and the tip. Whatever the general colour, the ears should be black or dark-coloured.
Neck and shoulders:-
The neck should be long that is, of the length that befits the Greyhound character of the dog. The nape of the neck should be very prominent where the head is set on, and the throat should be clean-cut at the angle and prominent. The shoulders should be well sloped, the blades well back, with not too much width between them.
Stern should be tolerably long, tapering, and reaching to within 1-1/2 inches of the ground, and about 1-1/2 inches below the hocks. When the dog is still, dropped perfectly straight down, or curved. When in motion it should be curved when excited, in no case to be lifted out of the line of the back. It should be well covered with hair, on the inside thick and wiry, underside longer.
The eyes should be dark: generally they are dark brown or hazel. The eye is moderately full with a soft look in repose, but a keen, far-away gaze when the dog is roused. The rims of the eyelids should be black.
Body: The body and general formation is that of a Greyhound of larger size and bone. Chest deep rather than broad, but not too narrow and flat-sided. The loin well arched and drooping to the tail.
Legs and feet:-
The legs should be broad and flat, a good broad forearm and elbow being desirable. Fore-legs, of course, as straight as possible. Feet close and compact, with well-arched toes. The hind-quarters drooping, and as broad and powerful as possible, the hips being set wide apart. The hind-legs should be well bent at the stifle, with great length from the hip to the hock, which should be broad and flat.
The hair on the body, neck, and quarters should be harsh and wiry, and about 3 inches or 4 inches long; that on the head, breast, and belly is much softer. There should be a slight hairy fringe on the inside of the fore and hind-legs, but nothing approaching to the feathering of a Collie. The Deerhound should be a shaggy dog, but not over coated.
Colour is much a matter of fancy. But there is no manner of doubt that the dark blue-grey is the most preferred. Next come the darker and lighter greys or brindles, the darkest being generally preferred. Yellow and sandy-red or red-fawn, especially with black points i.e., ears and muzzle are also in equal estimation.
From 28 inches to 30 inches, or even more if there be symmetry without coarseness, which, however, is rare. Height of bitches: From 26 inches upwards. There can be no objection to a bitch being large, unless she is too coarse, as even at her greatest height she does not approach that of the dog, and, therefore, could not well be too big for work, as over-big dogs are.
Friday, July 09, 2010
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Foxhounds were the very first of the canine races in Great Britain to come under the domination of scientific breeding. There had been hounds of more ancient origin, such as the Southern Hound and the Bloodhound; but something different was wanted towards the end of the seventeenth century to hunt the wild deer that had become somewhat scattered after Cromwell's civil war. The demand was consequently for a quicker hound than those hitherto known, and people devoted to the chase began to breed it.
Somewhat broad, not peaked like the Bloodhound, but long from the apex to the frontal bones, eyebrows very prominent, cheeks cut clean from the eye to the nostril, ears set low and in their natural condition thin and shapely, but not large, nose large, jaw strong and level, and small dewlaps, expression fierce, and with the best often repellent.
Very bright and deeply set, full of determination, and with a very steady expression. The look of the Foxhound is very remarkable.
Neck Should be perfectly clean, no skin ruffle whatever. The length of neck is of importance, both for stooping and giving an air of majesty.
The blades should be well into the back, and should slant, otherwise be wide and strong, to meet the arms, that should be long and powerful.
Legs and feet:-
The bone should be perfectly straight from the arm downward, and descend in the same degree of size to the ankles. The knee should be almost flat and level; there should be no curve until coming to the toes, which should be very strong, round, cat-shaped, and every toe clean set as it were.
The coat is hard hair, but short and smooth, the texture is as stiff as bristles, but beautifully laid.
Belvoir tan, which is brown and black, perfectly intermixed, with white markings of various shapes and sizes. The white should be very opaque and clear. Black and white, with tan markings on head and stifles. Badger pied a kind of grey and white. Lemon pied, light yellow and white. Hare pied, a darker yellow and white.
Height: Dogs from 23-1/2 to 24 inches; bitches from 22 to 22-1/2 inches.
Friday, July 09, 2010
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The dogs which take their name from the island of Newfoundland appeal to all lovers of animals.There are now two established varieties, the black and the white and black. There are also bronze-coloured dogs, but they are rare. The black variety of the Newfoundland is essentially black in colour; but this does not mean that there may be no other colour, for most black Newfoundlands have some white marks. In fact, a white marking on the chest is said to be typical of the true breed. Any white on the head or body would place the dog in the other than black variety.
The black colour should preferably be of a dull jet appearance which approximates to brown. In the other than black class, there may be black and tan, bronze, and white and black. The latter predominates, and in this colour, beauty of marking is very important. The head should be black with a white muzzle and blaze, and the body and legs should be white with large patches of black on the saddle and quarters, with possibly other small black spots on the body and legs.
Apart from colour, the varieties should conform to the same standard. The head should be broad and massive, but in no sense heavy in appearance. The muzzle should be short, square, and clean cut, eyes rather wide apart, deep set, dark and small, not showing any haw; ears small, with close side carriage, covered with fine short hair (there should be no fringe to the ears), expression full of intelligence, dignity, and kindness.
The body should be long, square, and massive, loins strong and well filled; chest deep and broad; legs quite straight, somewhat short in proportion to the length of the body, and powerful, with round bone well covered with muscle; feet large, round, and close. The tail should be only long enough to reach just below the hocks, free from kink, and never curled over the back. The quality of the coat is very important; the coat should be very dense, with plenty of undercoat; the outer coat somewhat harsh and quite straight.
The appearance generally should indicate a dog of great strength, and very active for his build and size, moving freely with the body swung loosely between the legs, which gives a slight roll in gait. As regards size, the Newfoundland Club standard gives 140 lbs. to 120 lbs. weight for a dog, and 110 lbs. to 120 lbs. for a bitch, with an average height at the shoulder of 27 inches and 25 inches respectively; but it is doubtful whether dogs in proper condition do conform to both requirements.
When rearing puppies give them soft food, such as well-boiled rice and milk, as soon as they will lap, and, shortly afterwards, scraped lean meat. Newfoundland puppies require plenty of meat to induce proper growth. The puppies should increase in weight at the rate of 3 lbs. a week, and this necessitates plenty of flesh, bone and muscle-forming food, plenty of meat, both raw and cooked. Milk is also good, but it requires to be strengthened with casein. The secret of growing full-sized dogs with plenty of bone and substance is to get a good start from birth, good feeding, warm, dry quarters, and freedom for the puppies to move about and exercise themselves as they wish. Forced exercise may make them go wrong on their legs. Medicine should not be required except for worms, and the puppies should be physicked for these soon after they are weaned, and again when three or four months old, or before that if they are not thriving. If free from worms, Newfoundland puppies will be found quite hardy, and, under proper conditions of food and quarters, they are easy to rear.
Friday, April 16, 2010
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Dog training is the process of teaching a dog (Canis lupus familiaris) to perform certain actions in response to certain commands which the dog is trained to understand. It is a general term which does not, by itself, describe what or how the dog is taught.
There are many methods of dog training and many objectives, from basic obedience training to specialized areas including law enforcement, military, search and rescue, hunting, working with livestock, assistance to people with disabilities, entertainment, dog sports and protecting people or property.
Friday, April 16, 2010
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There is no incongruity in the idea that in the first period to the home of the people in this world is a friend and companion of a kind of aboriginal representative of our modern dog, and that in return for their help to protect wildlife and the monitoring of their sheep and goats, he gave some of their food, a corner in his house, and came to trust and care. Probably the animal was originally little more than an exceptionally smooth jackal or an ailing wolf driven by its companions from the marauding pack refuge in a foreign environment to search. It can well imagine the possibility of the association that some defenseless puppies are home to hunters, who will soon be treated and brought care of women and children.
The dogs grow up in the house as a toy for children, would to be considered as members of the family and should be In almost all regions in the world traces of an indigenous dog family are the only exceptions to the Caribbean, Madagascar, the eastern islands in the Malay Archipelago, New Zealand and Polynesia, where there is no sign that any dog, wolf or fox has existed as a true aboriginal animal . In the old countries of the East, and more generally in the early Mongolians, the dog remained savage and neglected for centuries, roam in packs, and thin like a wolf, for he now goes through the streets and walls all cities del Este. He was not disappointed in the company of people or to improve the handling. It is not until one examines the records of higher civilizations of Assyria and Egypt, to verify the existence of different varieties of canine form.
The dog was not greatly appreciated in Palestine and in the Old and New Testament, which is widely spoken with scorn and contempt as a "filthy beast". Even the familiar reference to the pastor in the Book of Job "But now they are younger than I joke, whose father, I would disdain to have made with my Shepherd" is not without a hint of contempt, and it is significant that the only biblical allusion to the dog as a companion of man himself recognizes in the apocryphal Book of Tobias (V. 16): "And they went out and the young dog."
The variety of different dog breeds and the large differences in size, points and general appearance are facts which are hard to believe he might be able to have had a common ancestor. One thinks of the difference between the Mastiff and the Japanese Spaniel, Deerhound and fashion-Pomeranian, the St. Bernard and the Miniature Black and Tan Terrier, and is helpless in the consideration of the possibility of descent from a common ancestor. However, the difference is not greater than that between the horse and the Shetland Pony Shire, Shorthorn cattle, and Kerry, or know of Patagonia and the Pygmies, and all breeders, how easy it is to produce a variety of type and level of study selection.
To understand these questions we first need the identity of structure in the wolf and the dog. This identity of structure is best in a comparison of the skeletal system, or skeletons, two animals, each other, so that their inclusion would be similar to recognize not easily be studied.
The spine of the dog consists of seven cervical, thirteen in the back, seven in the loins, three sacral vertebrae, and twenty Twenty-two queue. false in dogs and wolves, there are thirteen pairs of ribs, nine true and four. Everyone has forty-two teeth. Both have five toes forward and four steps backward, while outside the common wolf has so much the appearance of a large dog, Bare Bones, a description that would help people to another.
Neither their different habits. natural voice of the wolf's howl, but when he learn with dogs that bark. Even if it is a carnivore that eats plants, too, and in case of sickness, the grass will bite. In the chase, a pack of wolves in several parts, one on the way to the career gap that others try to intercept its retreat, exercising a significant strategy, a trait that is presented by several of our dogs, and terriers in the fun the hunt in teams.
Another important point of resemblance between the Canis lupus and Canis familiaris lies in the fact that the gestation period for both types of sixty-three days. There are eight fifty-seven boy in a wolf's litter, and they are blind twenty-one days. They are suckled for two months, but after this time are able to eat half the meat they digested flushed from her mother or even his master.
Dogs from all regions approximate closely in color size, shape and habit native wolf in these regions. In this circumstance, the most important, there are too many ways to allow his character as a mere coincidence. Sir John Richardson, writing in 1829 noted that "the similarities between wolves and domestic dogs in North America the Indians so great that the size and strength, the wolf seems to be the only difference.
It was suggested that the argument against an undeniably lupine dog relationship that all domestic dogs bark, while all wild Canidae their feelings only by howls. But the problem is not as great as it sounds because we know that jackals, wild dogs, wolves and pups from bitches to acquire easily grown the habit. On the other hand, domestic dogs can forget running, barking furiously, while people who have not yet learned to speak.
The presence or absence of the habit of barking can be considered as an argument to decide the question of the origin of the dog. This stumbling block disappears Consequently, it remains for us in a position with Darwin, whose final hypothesis was that "it is likely that domestic dogs originated in the world of two good species of wolf (C. lupus and C. latrans agree), and two or three other doubtful species of wolves namely, the European Community, India and North African forms of the dog at least one or two species in South America from different races or species of jackal, and perhaps one or more extinct species "and that the blood of these mixed in some cases, flows through the veins of our domestic breeds.
Friday, April 16, 2010
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The smartest poodle
The poodle is generally considered the most intelligent wisdom of all members of the dog recognized. There is a general conviction that it is a fop, whose time is largely occupied in personal embellishment, and requires individual attention in the matter of his toilet. Maybe keep it true, that exposure to and perfect cleanliness his owner must give more attention to what is necessary in the case of dedicated many races, but in other respects are very few problems, and everything connected with it in their opinion there is No dog react so interesting and intense as a companion. His mental qualities and powers acute considerations are in fact so large that there is something almost human in its appeal and dedication. His talent for learning is never denied, and there are many stories of his wonderful talent and versatility.
Not only as a showman dog stood out. It is more of a charlatan of the booths, trained on the tightrope and get into the head. He is an expert in the implementation of tricks, but it is his alertness of brain that places him apart from other animals.
The extensive and long coat of this dog has the peculiarity that if not constantly scanned it in the little son grow to the increase in length as new twists and hair clings to it. The hair will not shed to take the old and new growth opportunities and different channels than in strings. Finally, if the cable is not interrupted, or pull off accidentally, and so prevent the poor animal from moving with any degree of comfort and freedom.
Poodles are very showy lead, and remarkable aspect of the film, too much public attention, than to win at the fair, but have lost popularity with the fans, and have only a few, because the obvious fact that you can not pet them or hold them at home. The reason is that the hair must, from time to time, greased and flexible wires to prevent breakage, and hold his course, that their clothes can not be ignored, is the only way to keep the dog clean a washing Poodle, which is a long wire and tedious process. In addition, the coat takes hours to dry can be, and if the newly washed dog be kept in temperature is very likely to catch cold. The result is that the layers of wire Poodles are almost always dirty, stinking, and to some extent.
the general appearance of the poodle
Head: long, straight and thin, the skull is wide, with a slight edge to the rear.
Muzzle: Long (but not) and strong not full in the cheek, teeth white, hard and flat, black gum, black and lips that do not lippiness.
Eyes: almond shaped, very dark, full of fire and intelligence.
Nose: Black and clear.
Ears: The leather of the long and wide, low, close contact to the face.
Neck: admit slim and strong, with the head up and carried with dignity.
Feet: Rather small form, and the toes well arched, pads thick and hard.
Legs: Front legs straight out of the shoulder, with a pile of bones and muscles.
The hind legs: Very muscular and well bent, hocks well let down.
Queue: quite high, well carried, never curled or carried over back.
Dress: very abundant and of good hard texture, and if the cable is exposed on the road, including cable, except cable, very thick and strong, even in length, closed circuits, thick, without knots or cords.
Friday, April 16, 2010
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Dog Obedience Tips & Hints
There is a small dog training to do and not do it!Here are the top 3 dog obedience tips:
1st Your dog or dogs always want your attention and most of your dog will do anything to get it. Thus, the attention of top 1 point, the dog, as he / she does something good and not pay attention to any behavior that is bad.
2nd Be consistent. Always use the same commands as desired actions. If you continue to cut and change orders, so how is your poor dog should know what you want from me?
3rd Reward or punish immediately. Any praise or sanctions should be immediately distributed. If this happened a few minutes later, have absolutely no effect on the dog - your dog has no idea of what it is to be praised or punished.
Three basic tips to help you - but I recommend you in a well-trained guide dog in your area to invest.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
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How to avoid being attacked by a dog
Unfortunately, most media reports of dog attacks on people - especially children - focus on damage rather than what could be and should be done to prevent such incidents in future.
Home Dog Training has compiled this information so that you are not bitten or injured by a dog.
Most people are bitten by dogs, because they wrongly interpreted the intentions of the dog or react in the opposite direction to approach the dog. Dogs have poor eyesight and must therefore be very close, to evaluate something. A dog saw something beyond your garden are most likely to bark and growl, his path of fear and terror among their enemies, and then the person will face. The dog must be very close to scent what it is, and that's when people usually get bitten. Rather than stop and let the dog smell, most people think, tries to bite the dog and to approach them to sell the dog run. But this is for the dog to attack and retaliation.
The best way to an attack by a dog you see is avoided, is completely silent. Do not move a muscle, and not try to pet the dog. Even dogs that may look nice, it did not touch. Wait until the dog loses interest in you.
Some dogs love the food over all. In the exercise of certain dog treats with you, you can avoid that bitten by a drop of food on the ground and remain motionless. Do not feed the dog by hand. Keep an eye on the dog, but do not look. Dogs do not like it because it is viewed as a threat.
If you fall to the ground by a dog not tried again. TOTALLY lay still roll into the fetal position and stay there. The dog is looking for a win and if you try to get a backup, just to keep running, the dog tries to pull down, creating a vicious cycle of attack.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
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Coming When You Called
This is one of the hardest things to teach your dog, especially if other dogs everywhere. However, it is extremely important that you be able to control your dog in public. . . for the safety of your dog.
You must teach your dog to be more vigilant and know that all the time. This way you will make your dog for your signal search and immediately respond if you want to get it out of danger, call, or simply move to another position.