Sunday, August 29, 2010

Keeping Your Pet Safe In The Warm Weather Months

The hot summer months can pose a real threat to pets. Cats and dogs simply cannot tolerate extreme temperatures. As a responsible pet owner, you need to make sure that your pet is safe during these warm weather months. Here are some tips to help you and your pet.

Never leave an animal in a car: All pet owners should know the dangers of leaving any pet in a hot car, even if it is just for a few minutes. This especially applies to dog owners. Dogs love riding in the car and it is very tempting to let your dog ride to the grocery store with you. However, pet owners should never leave cats or dogs inside a car during hot weather. Even with the windows open, a car parked in the hot sun can reach sweltering temperatures. Pets left in hot cars can die within minutes or can suffer from severe dehydration. The best rule of thumb is the leave your pet at home in the cool air conditioner during the hot weather. You should also know that if you are a dog owner that allowing your dog a ride the bed of a truck could be very dangerous for a dog at any time of the year. One jolt can send your dog flying out of the bed of the truck, resulting in injury or worse. Even putting your dog unsupervised in the bed of a truck in a public place can be a recipe for disaster. Be extra careful with your pet during traveling. If you must travel with your dog or cat, secure your pet in the car and leave the air conditioning on at all times. Let your pets take frequent breaks on long trips and give them a chance to get a drink of water.

The Importance of Pet Vaccinations

When you were a child you had to have vaccinations at certain points in your life such as measles, tetanus, and other shots. This is important for your pets as well. We will specifically look at dog vaccinations, as they are a very common pet to have. Keep in mind during some of these shots are required for cats as well.

Dogs need to have vaccinations to guard against disease. When your dog is a puppy they will need a distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, parainfluenza, and corona combination between six to eight, nine to eleven, twelve to fourteen, and sixteen to seventeen weeks. They will also need these shots again every twelve months. The next vaccination is a bordetella administered at fourteen weeks and every six months. Rabies must be given at sixteen weeks and again every twelve to thirty- six months. 

Vaccinations protect your dog and other pets from human diseases as well as other problems that could arise. Make sure you visit your pet on a regular schedule. A few more vaccinations are the giardia at fourteen and seventeen weeks, with a yearly dose.  Lyme is another type administered at fourteen and seventeen weeks as well as yearly. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Picking The Right Food For Your Pet

Pets are wonderful creatures to share our lives with, and they need just as much care as humans. All pets need to be fed properly, though we always have the question of what that might be. There are individuals who give their pet’s human food, while others strictly give pet food. We will concentrate on dogs, cats, and rabbits for proper feeding.


How many times have you heard that rabbits like their vegetables? This is true. Most rabbits need a steady diet of rabbit food that includes lettuce and carrots. Most of the time we raise our rabbits on pellets, however, this may not be fibrous enough and can cause obesity. A steady diet of hay, vegetables, and pellets will lead to a healthy rabbit.


Is it wise to feed your dog human food? Most dogs are related to the wolf family a very carnivorous bunch, which means they need to have meat in their diet. This does not mean human food is the correct food for them. It is best to find a dog food product where the first ingredient is meat. Make sure it is real meat and not some processed substitute. Feeding your dog human food is a bad idea because it can be too greasy for them and block their arteries. Dogs have very sensitive digestive tracks so they are susceptible to diarrhea and upset stomachs if you change their food. It is best to find a dog food you prefer and that is healthy for them. You also want to keep them on the same food.  Changing food can cause problems. If you feel you need to change food, you should slowly integrate the new food with the old until you have fully replaced the old. This should take two weeks or a little more. Dogs when full grown should be fed once a day at the same time.

Teaching Kids And Pets To Co-Exist Peacefully

It is possible for children and pets to coexist in the same household, peacefully. Many people mistakenly think that as soon as they start having children that their pet needs to head to the local shelter. They fear that the cat or dog will not get along with the new child and it will result in biting or scratching. This is not always the case and if you take the time to introduce your pets to your children properly, your kids and pets can live in harmony.

One of the biggest concerns that new parents have when it comes to pets in the home is how it will react to a baby. Many of the old wives tales such as cats sucking the breath out of babies simply are not true. In fact, many cats and dogs readily accept a new child into the home and become fiercely loyal and protective over the baby.

When you bring your baby home from the hospital, you should introduce your pet to your new baby. Of course, these introductions need supervision. Allow your cat or dog time to sniff your child at his or her own pace. Make the introduction pleasant for your cat or dog. In most cases, your cat or dog will not give your baby a second thought. Allow your pet to adjust to the new situation on his or her own terms. When a baby comes to the house, it is an adjustment for everybody.

Pet Health Insurance Veterinary eye Concerns for Pet Dogs

Owners who are considering purchasing pet health insurance for their dogs should make sure that the eye health of their dogs covered by the insurance policy. Because many insurance companies will not insure the eyes of a dog whose breed is habitually diagnosed with chronic eye problems may want to consider purchasing their puppy from a CERF (Canine Eye Registration Foundation). Breeders who are recognized by the CERF have been publicly acknowledged as breeding puppies without known health problems. In some cases insurance companies might also require that the owners have genetic screening done on the puppies before they can be insured.

Glaucoma is a common eye condition that begins with very subtle symptoms such as dilated pupils that don't respond well to light, and eye that appears to be red, poor vision, and corneas are often cloudy.  One California-based veterinarian claims that because the initial symptoms of Glaucoma can be very subtle many California pet owners to not immediately bring their dogs and for an examination.  If Glaucoma is not immediately seen by a veterinarian within 24 to 48 hours the increased pressure in the eyeball can lead to permit it cases of blindness.  In severe cases of untreated Glaucoma veterinarians have been forced to remove the pet's eye.
Any dog who has the developed an irritation in their eye that causes them to square to produce extra tears is called a "squinting dog".  Most cases of squinting is caused from a minor irritation such as an in turned eyelash or minor scratch to the cornea.  However some cases of squinting dog has led to the early diagnosis of diseases such as cancer and Blastomyosis.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pet Insurance Moreover Health Insurance Quotes: Online Guide

A recent survey estimated that the average dog owner will visit the vet two-three times a year and spend an average of two hundred dollars. Pet owners who have cats will spend a little bit less. That estimate is for the normal routine stuff like sterilization (spaying or neutering), vaccinations, worming, and a heartworm test; you’re normally in and out of the veterinarian’s office in approximately fifteen minutes.  It’s hard to imagine what the trip to the veterinarian’s office would cost if your pet was suffering from a really serious medical problem such as benign tumors or a broken leg.
Approximately three percent of pet owners in the United States have decided that the best way to deal with financing their pets vet bill is to purchase pet health care insurance. Pet health care insurance is similar to human health care insurance. The pet owner pays a monthly premium and when the pet has to go to the veterinarian’s office the insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the bill minus the deductible.
Before a pet owner purchases a pet health care plan they need to get some estimates/quotes on various plans. Before the pet owner goes online to find a quote they need to grab a pad of paper and write down two things. The first thing they need is a wish list of the type of pet health insurance coverage you would like to get. This list can include things like prescription coverage, low deductibles, dental, annual checkups, spaying and nueturing, declawing and anything else you can think of. It is important to remember that you may not be able to find a pet health insurance plan that will have everything you want, circle the items that you simply can't live without. The second thing you need to write down is what is the most you can spend each month on your pet’s health insurance plan. Keep this number close by so you don't splurge on an insurance plan you won’t be able to afford.

Pet Health Insurance for VIP's

When most people think a pet is spoiled feel that it is getting to many treats, has too many expensive toys scattered around the ground, or it’s allowed to sleep at night in bed with its humans, normally taking up the entire bed and hogging all the covers. I once even saw a pot bellied pig who was so spoiled that its humans designed an built the miniature porker its very own out house so it wouldn't get cold answering natures call.
Japanese pet owners take the term very-important-pets to a whole new level. In Japan well loved pets enjoy aromatherapy, acupuncture, trips to the doggie spa where they a lovingly massaged, and in some cases have their very own personal trainers.
It is a well known fact that we tend to spoil our pets because we love them we want them to have the best of everything but recent studies have shown that pampering our pets might actually doing as much harm as good. One recent study from an undisclosed source claims that we are actually making our beloved pets stupid by spoiling them. We are in such a hurry to make their lives easier that we take away their need to problem solve on their own. The less they have to loose their brains the less they can do on their own. This problem is especially common in households were the dog seems to be running the show. What would happen to that pet if it really had to think for itself?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Which Health Plans Offer Pet Health Insurance

Which Health Plans Offer Pet Health Insurance
When pet owners purchase a pet they shop around at the various pet shops, breeders, pet rescues, and animal shelters until they find the dog, cat, or exotic pet that suits them, what very few pet owners do is consider the cost of veterinarian cost for their new pet. The oversight can prove financially devastating and emotionally heartbreaking.

The cost of veterinary cost is on the rise. Technology, liability insurance, medications, and medical research have forced veterinary clinics to raise their cost. Veterinary clinics in rural areas of the country (especially ones that combine their small animal practice with a large animal practice) find it difficult to attract young vets who are graduating from vet school to their clinics; they are forced to offer higher salaries in order to compete with clinics located closer to major cities.  The increase in the payroll is then transferred to pet owners.

Pet Insurance Moreover Health Insurance

Pet Insurance Moreover Health Insurance 

A recent survey estimated that the average dog owner will visit the vet two-three times a year and spend an average of two hundred dollars. Pet owners who have cats will spend a little bit less. That estimate is for the normal routine stuff like sterilization (spaying or neutering), vaccinations, worming, and a heartworm test; you’re normally in and out of the veterinarian’s office in approximately fifteen minutes.  It’s hard to imagine what the trip to the veterinarian’s office would cost if your pet was suffering from a really serious medical problem such as benign tumors or a broken leg.
Approximately three percent of pet owners in the United States have decided that the best way to deal with financing their pets vet bill is to purchase pet health care insurance. Pet health care insurance is similar to human health care insurance. The pet owner pays a monthly premium and when the pet has to go to the veterinarian’s office the insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the bill minus the deductible.