Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ear Mites In Dogs - Diagnosis and Treatment


Ear mites in dogs are the typical cause of ear infections found by veterinarians. A tiny spider like parasitic mite that, though labeled ear mites, they can be found on any part of your pet's body. They especially like the warm moist area of the ear canal and will take up permanent residence there and do their worst damage. Cats appear to be more susceptible to them, but they seldom find a dog they don't like.

Dog breeds with long floppy ears are the most prone to mite infections. Those long ears are very effective in restricting air flow to the ear canal entrances.

Of the several types of mites that will invade your pup's ears, otodectes cynotis is the one most likely found. However,it really doesn't matter if mite's species is identified in order to treat the problem properly. They are simply considered ear mites regardless of the species they happen to be.

These parasites are actually rather contagious, so it's a good idea for you as a pet owner to know exactly how they are transmitted. Puppies can get them from their mother. It you have an infected pet in your home and also have various other pets it's likely that the mites will spread to the others because as the mites most likely will infest the living area. Any animal, such as a cat, gerbil, mouse, hamster, rabbit, and ferret is susceptible. However, they don't survive long off a pet, so you won't have to treat the house. Don't worry about yourself or your family; humans can't get them from animals.

Here are some watch for to determine if ear mites in dogs or puppies are present. You may notice that the animal will either be continually scratching around the ears or shaking it's head. If the infestation is severe, so too will the scratching and head shaking be severe. When a case is of a more advanced nature, oftentimes the ear canals will bleed and you'll be able to notice either dried or even fresh blood inside the canal. So you know, dried blood looks a lot like coffee grounds. If you look into your dogs ear and notice anything similar to this then it's a good bet that you dog has ear mites. Some other possibilities are yeast infections or bacterial infections.

Although these pests in dogs are very common, they should be taken very seriously. If your dog goes too long without treatment, it can suffer permanent hearing loss due to damage to the eardrum and ear canals.

There are many different preparations available to help manage ear mites in dogs. Most of the available products contain an insecticide called pyrethin. Without the insecticide the mites would not die. Some brand names of mite medication are Frontline, Revolution, Milbemite, and Hartz.

Depending on which medicine you choose, it could take between two to four weeks before all the mites will be killed. Just to reiterate, these mites aren't limited to just the ears. They can attack any part of a dog's body, so remember to treat those areas as well. If you have other pets in your household, it's a good idea to treat all pets at the same time. Ear mites in dogs or other animals spread easily, so if one is infected assume all your pets are most likely infected.

Ear mites in dogs are the typical cause of ear infections found by veterinarians. A tiny spider like parasitic mite that, though labeled ear mites, they can be found on any part of your pet's body. They especially like the warm moist area of the ear canal and will take up permanent residence there and do their worst damage. Cats appear to be more susceptible to them, but they seldom find a dog they don't like.

Dog breeds with long floppy ears are the most prone to mite infections. Those long ears are very effective in restricting air flow to the ear canal entrances.

Of the several types of mites that will invade your pup's ears, otodectes cynotis is the one most likely found. However,it really doesn't matter if mite's species is identified in order to treat the problem properly. They are simply considered ear mites regardless of the species they happen to be.

These parasites are actually rather contagious, so it's a good idea for you as a pet owner to know exactly how they are transmitted. Puppies can get them from their mother. It you have an infected pet in your home and also have various other pets it's likely that the mites will spread to the others because as the mites most likely will infest the living area. Any animal, such as a cat, gerbil, mouse, hamster, rabbit, and ferret is susceptible. However, they don't survive long off a pet, so you won't have to treat the house. Don't worry about yourself or your family; humans can't get them from animals.

Here are some watch for to determine if ear mites in dogs or puppies are present. You may notice that the animal will either be continually scratching around the ears or shaking it's head. If the infestation is severe, so too will the scratching and head shaking be severe. When a case is of a more advanced nature, oftentimes the ear canals will bleed and you'll be able to notice either dried or even fresh blood inside the canal. So you know, dried blood looks a lot like coffee grounds. If you look into your dogs ear and notice anything similar to this then it's a good bet that you dog has ear mites. Some other possibilities are yeast infections or bacterial infections.

Although these pests in dogs are very common, they should be taken very seriously. If your dog goes too long without treatment, it can suffer permanent hearing loss due to damage to the eardrum and ear canals.

There are many different preparations available to help manage ear mites in dogs. Most of the available products contain an insecticide called pyrethin. Without the insecticide the mites would not die. Some brand names of mite medication are Frontline, Revolution, Milbemite, and Hartz.

Depending on which medicine you choose, it could take between two to four weeks before all the mites will be killed. Just to reiterate, these mites aren't limited to just the ears. They can attack any part of a dog's body, so remember to treat those areas as well. If you have other pets in your household, it's a good idea to treat all pets at the same time. Ear mites in dogs or other animals spread easily, so if one is infected assume all your pets are most likely infected.

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