Saturday, August 18, 2012

Using One Way Anchor Text Backlinks To Increase Google Rankings Fast


One of the keys to getting higher search engine rankings is the proper use of one way anchor text backlinks for both internal linking (linking between pages on your site) and external linking (linking to your site from someone else's site).

One way anchor text backlinks are basically just clickable text links. Here is the definition right from Wikipedia, "the anchor phrase, a link label or link title is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. The words contained in the Anchor text can determine the ranking that page will receive by search engines."

These clickable keywords, or anchor links, make it easier on search engine robots to determine what the site the text is linking to is actually about. So whether linking between pages on your own site or linking from other sites, use the proper anchor phrase and link to the appropriate pages on your site.

To illustrate this let's say you have a page on your site specifically about wiener dog training. You've optimized the site like we've talked about by putting "wiener dog training" in your meta tags and the other strategic places we've discussed, so when the search engine robots scan your site they know that page is about wiener dog training. Now to further support the on page work you've already done, you need an incoming link from another site, but not just any link. You need a link from a related web site using the text "wiener dog training."

We're really getting rolling here. I hope your enjoying the content by our Atlanta SEO experts. Remember to always use one way anchor text backlinks for any linkbuilding campaigns you do. This is vital to your success.

One of the keys to getting higher search engine rankings is the proper use of one way anchor text backlinks for both internal linking (linking between pages on your site) and external linking (linking to your site from someone else's site).

One way anchor text backlinks are basically just clickable text links. Here is the definition right from Wikipedia, "the anchor phrase, a link label or link title is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. The words contained in the Anchor text can determine the ranking that page will receive by search engines."

These clickable keywords, or anchor links, make it easier on search engine robots to determine what the site the text is linking to is actually about. So whether linking between pages on your own site or linking from other sites, use the proper anchor phrase and link to the appropriate pages on your site.

To illustrate this let's say you have a page on your site specifically about wiener dog training. You've optimized the site like we've talked about by putting "wiener dog training" in your meta tags and the other strategic places we've discussed, so when the search engine robots scan your site they know that page is about wiener dog training. Now to further support the on page work you've already done, you need an incoming link from another site, but not just any link. You need a link from a related web site using the text "wiener dog training."

We're really getting rolling here. I hope your enjoying the content by our Atlanta SEO experts. Remember to always use one way anchor text backlinks for any linkbuilding campaigns you do. This is vital to your success.

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